written by Jim Haberman

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Elinor "Ellie" Haberman, alongside her husband LeRoy "Hap" Haberman, spent 42 glorious summers as BHP company members from 1947 to 2002, still holding the BHP company longevity record. After several years in failing health, Ellie passed away on February 28, 2013, in Rapid City at the age of 93.

On May 12, 2013, dozens of Playhouse friends of Ellie came out to Rapid City from all parts of the country to take part in the "Happy-Hour Celebration of Ellie Haberman" at the Alex Johnson ballroom, on a richly memorable Mother's Day afternoon. Of course, Ellie's beloved "martini-burgers" were freely served, and numerous Ellie stories were lovingly told.

It was a wonderfully bubbly 3+ hours of lively reminiscing with old friends and a few new ones, highlighted by a flat-out terrific program assembled and presented with deep affection and skill by many cherished friends and family. Its centerpiece was the humorously affectionate video slideshow tribute written by her son, Jim, and produced, edited and given velvet-voiced narration by her dear friend Daamen Krall.

Haberman Hall

Haberman Hall


Ellie’s Memorial Video written by Jim Haberman and narrated by Daamen Krall

Twin brother Sam and Ellie


